The webpage, for the one project’s, purpose is to advocate, inform, and educate charlotte residents about the significance of a cycling-friendly city and the impact it can bring to our city. I chose to do a webpage as one of my products because it’s a cost-efficient method to reach my target audience. everyone is on their phone and/or computer system, so developing a webpage that can be accessed by any online user serves as an efficient platform.
I designed the webpage for the user experience to be like a journey- with a beginning, middle, and end. this way users can gradually gain information and develop their own opinions and once they reach to the end, they will be swayed in a way to join the movement of safer roads for all.
the journey
the beginning
Users are introduced to the benefits of cycling and how it impacts several aspects of our lives, other than health. Although they may seem obvious, the purpose of stating them backs up one of the main purposes of this page: to advocate for cycling.
the history
Afterwards, users are greeted with the current conditions of charlotte and their roads. With the interactive options to see these shocking results one at a time, users are able to comprehend new information within their own pace without being overwhelmed with unfamiliar data.
the how
Up next is a map of the city of Charlotte, showcasing its current bike lanes. The purpose of exposing charlotte for its poor bike lane condition is because it’s very confusing to look at. when one sees a lane, one assumes that it’s atleast connected to eachother- like a road; however, Charlotte’s bike lanes are very fragmented, as these lanes don’t seem to fully connect with eachother and lead riders to random routes. It’s unclear how a cyclist could feel safe when the end of the lane is in the middle of traffic. Providing this data connects with charlotte’s placement of being one of the worse places to drive, but comes the next question… what can we do?
Within the same section, I provided a button to reveal a potential solution to make cycling lanes safer. This not only starts the segment of getting to know how we can make a difference on the webpage, but it also sparks a candle within the user to the brighter-greener future of cycling. Afterwards, users get to read articles on the benefits of cycling and how charlotte can make their roads safer for the growing community of bicycle riders.
the solution
lastly, after going through the whole journey of the webpage and learning the potential relationship with charlotte and the cycling community, users are given the opportunity to take the “vision zero” pledge. this pledge advocates for safer roads for all users of the road. whether you’re a pedestrian, a driver, and/or a cyclist, you’re pledging to be safe on the road for yourself and everyone around you; along with that, pledging through the website will allow you to receive a “thank you” gift from the one project and help promote safer roads for everyone through the use of bumper stickers.
bumper stickers
Not only do bumper stickers make your car super swaggy, but it’s a cost-efficient method of communication and advertising. Supporters will be able to fight for the future, but also spread the message simply by continuing their everyday lives.