
Competent is an assignment that required me to read several interviews during the Great Depression and select two of them to combine and present their stories only through typography. The two stories that I chose were interviews of Ms. Cordie Underwood and Ms. Sallie Smith. Both are women who lived through this tragic times and they spoke of how life is now for them. As everyone during this time is struggling financially ( which then leads to a domino effect of other hardships ), the biggest difference that I was able to identify was their responsibilities, age, and how they make income. With these identified, I had to design a composition that both represents them accurately and conceptually.


The Great Depression was a very difficult time for everyone all over the world. People had to be very careful on what they spent money on as each penny effects them, and their families, tremendously. In these interviews I recognized that Ms. Underwood and Ms. Smith are both women of very different ages. One was a grown lady who had a family, and the other is a teenager who is forced into the adult world of working. They both do what they can for money and are very aware of what they spend their money on. When I think of spending, one of the many things I think about are those slips of papers that we always do “something” with: receipts.

Receipts are something I believe that flows around the world like water in the ocean. Receipts are records of what we purchased and our prized possession if we ever need it again. To some, they’re trash; to others they’re little note sheets; etc. Receipts are a tiny, yet impactful item in our daily lives that represents who we are as people. With that said, in these two stories, I wanted to make a receipt of their story. What they went through, what they purchased, how much it was, etc. One may say, this is their receipt during this time of struggle.
